Operational middleware

What is known from IT and software, we have combined with manual
or automated shipment processing and call it ‘operational middleware’.
If you are a UPU member, we enable you to use commercial carriers.
As a market place
You know that end customers expect the same customer experience from international merchants that they are used to from local merchants in their country.
For the first time, you have the possibility to control the international shipment flows of your traders with the operational middleware and to support them uniquely.
Because you can enable your merchants with simple integration, better tracking, best possible shippingprices, easy injection and a good return solution. Of course you and your merchants can use own plus the PARCEL.ONE options and contracts.

As a carrier
We can work with your label or identifier if you want to link, sort, re-label a shipment it with a third carrier or vice versa – another carrier with you.
All we need is the requirements of the partners involved, to avoid multi time-consuming and costly internal processes.
Physical parcels, with all the received and captured data (geodata, tracking, etc.), will be transformed, e.g. by re-labelling. Different physical and digital data and tracking streams are united in to one. So that other carrier can easily process the parcels and seamlessly reuse all this data.